Grokking Android

Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty of Android Development

Posts tagged “ConnectivityManager”:

Android: Getting Notified of Connectivity Changes


In a previous posting I have explained how you can check the device’s current connectivity status. But this is only a temporary snapshot of the status. It might change anytime – and it probably will, given the volatility of a mobile environment. Thus you want to know whenever the connectivity state changes. Thankfully Android’s ConnectivityManager […]  Continue Reading  “Android: Getting Notified of Connectivity Changes”

Android: Checking Connectivity


Whenever your app needs to access the internet, you should be sure that it can do so. To find more about the state of the connectivity, Android provides two classes that help you with this task: ConnectivityManager and NetworkInfo. As usual in Android you do not create the ConnectivityManager yourself, but ask the Context-object to […]  Continue Reading  “Android: Checking Connectivity”