Grokking Android

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Posts tagged “RxJava”:

RxJava’s Side Effect Methods


RxJava’s Observable class has plenty of methods that can be used to transform the stream of emitted items to the kind of data that you need. Those methods are at the very core of RxJava and form a big part of it’s attraction. But there are other methods, that do not change the stream of […]  Continue Reading  “RxJava’s Side Effect Methods”

Why use Observable.create() and not just inherit from Observable?


When starting to use RxJava you have to create Observables. They are at the very core of RxJava. But how to do so? A look at the Observable class might make you dizzy. Looking at the source even more so. Not only does this beast consist of nearly 10.000 lines (though, 7600 lines of that […]  Continue Reading  “Why use Observable.create() and not just inherit from Observable?”