Grokking Android

Getting Down to the Nitty Gritty of Android Development

How to Correctly Use SQL’s like in Android


Yesterday I stumbled about the correct usage of the LIKE-statement in conjunction with selectionArgs. My first attempt was to use it as this: Now this only led to this nice message in the log: Hm. Maybe I should just drop the dashs? But this also didn’t work. The exception though has changed: After searching around […]  Continue Reading  “How to Correctly Use SQL’s like in Android”

Using your Google Account in the Android Emulator


Whenever you need to access the People or Calendar app and want to add contacts or events you need an account. On the emulator though no account exists by default. So in this blog entry I am going to show you how to add your Google account to your emulator. Update: Google has dropped support […]  Continue Reading  “Using your Google Account in the Android Emulator”

Android Tutorial: Content Provider Basics


This is the first part of a three part tutorial covering Android’s content providers. Here I’m going to introduce content providers and to cover the basic concepts you need to make use of existing ones or to write content providers on your own. What are content providers? Content providers are Android’s central mechanism that enables […]  Continue Reading  “Android Tutorial: Content Provider Basics”

Android: Checking Connectivity


Whenever your app needs to access the internet, you should be sure that it can do so. To find more about the state of the connectivity, Android provides two classes that help you with this task: ConnectivityManager and NetworkInfo. As usual in Android you do not create the ConnectivityManager yourself, but ask the Context-object to […]  Continue Reading  “Android: Checking Connectivity”

A new blog


Hello, this is my new blog about Android development. Topics center around problems that I stumbled upon, solutions that I found helpful and the occasional rant about what annoys me. I also plan to keep an eye on usability concerns – though they are not the main topic here. Some things you can expect: A […]  Continue Reading  “A new blog”