Posts tagged “ConstraintLayout”:
Android’s ConstraintLayout: Align One View’s Edge to Another View’s Center
As you can see from the following excerpt of ConstraintLayout's supported attributes, there is no layout_constraintStart_toCenterX attribute. Thus you cannot directly align the left edge of one view to the center of another view. But ConstraintLayout is flexible enough to get your view aligned to the center of another view without such an attribute. Even […] Continue Reading “Android’s ConstraintLayout: Align One View’s Edge to Another View’s Center”
Some Thoughts on Android’s new ConstraintLayout and Android Studio’s new Design Editor
At this year’s IO Google introduced a new layout – the ConstraintLayout – and also presented it’s totally revamped layout editor. I am not going into how to use the layout. Google itself has done a good job in explaining it with its code lab “Using ConstraintLayout to design your views”. In this post I […] Continue Reading “Some Thoughts on Android’s new ConstraintLayout and Android Studio’s new Design Editor”